Travel and Matters of the Heart

When we began this journey nearly three months ago, many things were put on hold—careers, responsibilities, bills, all the obligations of daily living.  In many ways, this yearlong journey is a liberation, affording us the time and space to step away from routine, take stock of our lives and meditate on what brings us joy and fulfillment.

But life goes on as normal without us back home, and I recently had to grapple with the vast distance as I learned of the passing of my beloved 92-year-old grandmother, Flora. Being at least 15,000 kilometers and more than a day of travel away from home, I had to come to terms with the fact that it just wouldn’t be possible for me to make it home in time for her funeral.  While I missed the opportunity to celebrate her life in Kentucky with family and friends and be there for my sweet mother in her time of mourning, I felt at peace knowing how much love and support was there. Missing out on significant and meaningful milestones back home—whether it be celebrating a life well lived, the beginning of a new one, or simply another year around the sun for a loved one or friend—is one of the hardest parts of our journey.   

Receiving the sad news of my grandmother, we decided pause from our on-the-go travels to allow ample time for contemplation and mourning, and we were so fortunate to have found the quiet, peaceful and isolated Palm Beach of Koh Rong island, a developing tropical destination replete with palm-studded, white sandy beaches and warm, clear waters perfect for swimming and snorkeling.  During this time of reflection, I was able to meditate on life and send my love and light back home.  Mamaw, may you rest in peace. 


In Memory of Flora Morgan Wright, 1924-2017

My mother, Alva (right), with my beloved grandmother on her 90th birthday.

My mother, Alva (right), with my beloved grandmother on her 90th birthday.